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19D South Water Street
Henderson, NV, 89015


We buy and sell adorable new + gently used goods for kids and moms.

A carefully curated thrift + gift boutique in heart of downtown Henderson, NV.



Welcome to Archer + Jane. A hip little spot for new and gently loved children's clothing, maternity clothing, women’s clothing, toys, baby gear and accessories. We're excited to offer a clothing & gift boutique in Henderson specializing in curated contemporary and classic items for mom and kids. As a licensed secondhand dealer we offer store credit to purchase some of our inventory.

We exist to provide an affordable resource for families to get quality items they may need, reduce waste, and foster community in Henderson. 

We invite you to shop online or stop in and fall in love.

Home essentials from quality brands like Mama Suds and No Tox Life.

Pass a piece of your childhood on to your children with a treasure trove of vintage toys.

We retail for premier brands like Green Toys and preloved baby gear like jumperoos, strollers, swings, etc…

We pick stylishly timeless clothing from sources throughout the West. Only the best gently loved items make it into our store.