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19D South Water Street
Henderson, NV, 89015


We buy and sell adorable new + gently used goods for kids and moms.

A carefully curated thrift + gift boutique in heart of downtown Henderson, NV.

Heavy winter release begins Nov1st-2nd


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Heavy winter release begins Nov1st-2nd

  • Archer + Jane 19D South Water Street Henderson, NV, 89015 (map)

Get ready for the colder weather with us!! Heavy winter release begins this Friday, Nov 1st.

⚠️We will not be accepting trades Friday or Saturday this weekend so we can prioritize putting out new inventory

⏰ Also, daylight savings starts NEXT WEEK so please take note our store hours will update to 10AM-5PM Monday-Saturday.

#shopsmall #savemoney #shoparcherandjane


Want to earn STORE CREDIT? Visit for the what, when and how to bring items in

Due to our small space we do recommend checking ahead to see if we have room for larger items. High chairs and strollers are highly requested right now.

@archerandjane is licensed in Henderson, NV to resell secondhand kids, women’s + maternity goods and is not affiliated or employed by the gently used brands we sell.

19 S. Water Street, Unit D

Henderson, NV 89015

Earlier Event: October 25
Nevada Day Event
Later Event: November 2
Heavy winter release begins continues