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19D South Water Street
Henderson, NV, 89015


We buy and sell adorable new + gently used goods for kids and moms.

A carefully curated thrift + gift boutique in heart of downtown Henderson, NV.


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Shop Small Saturday

  • Archer + Jane 19D South Water Street Henderson, NV, 89015 (map)

Happens every year the Saturday after Thanksgiving and Water Street is the place to be to kick off the Christmas shopping season. There will be over 130 small businesses downtown + in the Water Street Plaza. We’ll have special deals + a FREE make your own Christmas ornament station.

We are collecting new and gently used teen clothing for Peggy’s Attic. An organization that helps provide foster children with things they need.

See you there!

No trade-ins will be accepted during Black Friday or Shop Small Saturday.

Earlier Event: November 29
Black Friday
Later Event: December 1
Cyber Sunday