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19D South Water Street
Henderson, NV, 89015


We buy and sell adorable new + gently used goods for kids and moms.

A carefully curated thrift + gift boutique in heart of downtown Henderson, NV.

A Mother's Day Tradition


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A Mother's Day Tradition

  • Archer + Jane 19D South Water Street Henderson, NV, 89015 (map)

The Art Festival of Henderson is an annual Mother’s Day tradition featuring a variety of artisans all across Water Street.

Our store will be open early at 9AM on Saturday. We will have a special gift with purchase in celebration of Mother’s Day.

Trade-ins will not be accepted during this event.

The Art Festival of Henderson continues Sunday, March 12th but we do not plan to be open so we can spend time with our kids or our own mothers.

Earlier Event: April 22
Bring your own bag EARTH DAY sale