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19D South Water Street
Henderson, NV, 89015


We buy and sell adorable new + gently used goods for kids and moms.

A carefully curated thrift + gift boutique in heart of downtown Henderson, NV.

St. Patricks Day Festival + Car Show


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St. Patricks Day Festival + Car Show

  • Archer + Jane 19D South Water Street Henderson, NV, 89015 (map)

We will be CLOSED during this event on SUNDAY but maybe you’ll enjoy it. This is event is typically only up closer to the Water Street Plaza.

Sunday, March 16

Car Show (8am-4pm)

Car Show Awards (3pm)

Festival (10am-6pm)

Carnival (10am-8pm)

Entertainment (12pm-5:30pm)

Earlier Event: March 15
St. Patricks Day Parade